Friday, September 7, 2018

Good, better than Bad, but not Great

Odd title for this blog post today, I know, but that's about how I feel at the moment.  It's about how I've felt since coming back from visiting my daughter in Germany.  A little melancholy, lonely, unfilled, blah.  I don't write often on the drama going on in my life here in this blog, because I wanted to keep the focus on my sober journey.  But life happens, with its ups and downs, and it contributes to my efforts of staying sober.  I'm not drinking to excess at all, but I have had a few beers here and there.  I did drink wine once, three glasses and I felt bad.  I didn't get drunk, nor do anything stupid or ugly, but as wine was (is) my worse enemy, I let myself down by drinking it.  Even my husband, who I've written about being less than enthusiastic about this journey I'm on, said I worked so hard to get away from the wine, that why do it now?  He thinks the beer drinking here and there is fine, because it doesn't affect me the same way a bottle of wine does, that's another story in itself, but he's right about the wine, why bother?  I realize I'm writing this because it could tip me to start drinking more and more, when what I want to do was stop.  There's a little more than 100 days left in the year.  I want to finish the year off with no drinking, then I'll worry about 2019. 

It's time to readjust my mind set and move forward once again!  Wish me luck.


  1. Unfortunately, I found that t be true for me. It keeps creeping back.
    When I got sober for awhile, then started drinking, I slowly drank more.
    Wine made me moody, too.

    No doubt you miss your daughter, and the travels.

    1. Very true, many people hear write about it "drinking" creeping back up, I'm no exception. I've worked hard to get where I'm at, a much better place for sure, but it can be better yet. Thanks for stopping by, I always appreciate your comments. xo, ll

  2. It’s worth stepping back and really asking yourself what the up side was to drinking, even the odd beer.
    Perhaps you will see something.
    Welcome back. Life is up and down. It’s all easier to handle without booze.

    1. Thanks Anne, perhaps I will "see" something, something to make me progress. Drinking these past couple of months, while not horrible, did put me at a standstill, so to speak. I ready to move on...

  3. Goodluck lia! Glad you posted and are doing ok.

    1. Thank you PDTG! Today I'm better than okay, I'm content and well. Hope all is well with you too.

  4. I love someone who is in a profession with a big drinking culture and they have the desire to be a non-drinker but realize that On Top Of All Else they just, after doing fairly big drinking for over a year in this culture, can't deal with the pressure of flat-out stopping so what they are doing is committing to "light beers or white wine; no more than 3 and leave early." Abstinence is easier than moderation but moderation is still better than the Katy-bar-the-door we all know and love even if very rarely.
