Friday, July 19, 2019

Simple, But Not Easy

Another attempt to not drink, ever AGAIN.

What is different this time?

  • I have a virtual sober-buddy.
  • I have a nephew who I am mentoring about alcohol abuse.
  • I am seeking spiritual guidance, through study, on a weekly basis.

There are more avenues I can seek to help with abstaining from alcohol, but for now, I feel confident in what I am doing different to make this time STICK.

It is so simple, do not drink.

It is not easy, to not drink, for all the many reasons I've written about in the past.

But it is possible.  I know it will take more work on my part to achieve.



  1. Replies
    1. Hi PDTG! I am cheering you on, hoping me and Habit are helping you stay the course for your 100 days AF goal. xx, ll
