Saturday, June 30, 2018

165 Days

As of today, I have one hundred and sixty five days alcohol free this year!  I started this blog last year to stop drinking 100%.  I haven't managed that, yet.  What I have managed to do is move in the right direction and I'm proud of myself for doing so.  The few times this year when I got drunk (not every time I drank this year did I get drunk, I actually had times where it was one drink, two) I hated myself and felt such shame and guilt.  It wasn't worth it, but like a stubborn child, I wanted my "candy".

The times I over did it, were always at home, when I felt I deserved time to let go.  Thinking like that always led to too much.  Always.  What were the triggers?  Doesn't matter.  What matters is I know what's to follow when I drink, especially when I am at home. What matters is to not drink.

It's getting better.  I'm feeling better.

For those of you who want to know the math, as of today there have been 180 days this year, so I've drank 15 times, five of which were over-the-top too much.  Live and Learn.

Too all my American bloggers, Happy Fourth of July!  Let Freedom Ring!!


  1. Happy Fourth back at you! Great job, Lia. I think just getting our heads wrapped around our issues is tremendous progress in of itself, even if we aren't at 100% yet.

  2. Happy 165 Days! You are doing great! Don’t give up, and you are getting stronger!

  3. Great job! Agree - keep going and grow the sober muscles.

  4. This is fantastic. 15 days out of 180 is so good and you should be really proud!
