Monday, November 9, 2020

Once Again

 Here I go, giving it another shot.  

The years are sliding by, and I am still drinking, not making it to stay sober.

I won't give up till I die.

I do not need to drink.  

I do not want to drink.

I need to hold on to that feeling when the time will get tough.

Here I go again. 


  1. Hold on tightly, girl!! You don't want to drink, you feel so much better not drinking!!!

    1. I am holding so tightly, my knuckles are white! I know; and do feel so much better when I am not drinking. The mornings are proof positive. But you know that "mind-teasing" time, late afternoon, and all I think, is just a couple. Damn, I have to get through that day at a time. Hope you are well HD. xo, ll

  2. Replies
    1. OMG, thank you, thank you! You so know what I am feeling. I am here for you too!

  3. Still with you, lol. Helps that I have been so busy with work but I will take any excuse to not drink!
