Friday, March 9, 2018


I just left a comment over at Mummy was a Secret Drinker's blog.  Great advice for people who are on their second month of giving up the booze.  She writes about making an inspirational vision board.  Go read what she has to say, it's interesting.  And so I'm going to give it a whirl.  One of the things I plan to put on it is the numbers 100, 1000 and 12,775. 

Wouldn't that be fantastic to make it straight through to 12,775 days without drinking!  Maybe I should actually put 16,425 instead.  100 years old sounds possible these days, right?

Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. LOL! I loved counting to 100, then when I made it, I wanted 150, then 200, etc. Now I am day 1,282! I loved reading about all the sober people ahead of me and the days.
    But I only count one day at a time.
    Happy Friday!

    1. I like counting this time too. Today is 68 and this is where I gave up last time. It's Saturday, all my errands and chores done and I'm a little melancholy. It's cold and wet outside (not typical for So. Calif.), my husband made a fire and he's sitting down enjoying his beer. I'd like to have a glass of wine, but I won't. I did buy Beck's beer. I'm having one. I know the moment will pass. I'm looking forward to Monday!

  2. You are getting -so- close to your new personal best - I’m excited and happy for you!

    1. Thank you Sam! As I wrote to Wendy, I can't wait for Monday. One of the few times I ever felt that way about a Monday.

  3. I should do this as well. I'd put 365 days on it. It has been my goal to do an alcohol free year for a long time. I think you will make day 12,775 :)

    1. I figured I'd put a number which would get me to 90 years old alcohol free, then I thought why not 100 years old! I think I'll start that board this afternoon, to get through the wavering moments today. I think you can do a year. Hang strong PDTG!
