Wednesday, March 14, 2018


Spring is almost here and I can't wait.  10+ days, I've been so out of it; really weary, drained, tired...

I keep holding on for the second upswing to come.  When I first started dry January, my spirits were high.  I felt great.  I knew I was doing a wonderful thing for myself.  I still am, but at this time, I'm so out of it!  I'm not depressed, I just seem to have no energy.  I'm getting enough sleep, I'm eating well, but more sugar than usual, but alcohol has a lot of sugar, so I don't think it's that.  I'm exercising during my lunch hour, and trying to do a bit at home in the mornings, so I don't get it.

So much for motivational March. 

But I'm still not drinking!  So it's all good.

Happy Pi Day!


  1. Alcoho actually has almost no sugar.
    But it takes the body a long time to heal.
    Read about PAWS post alcohol withdrawal syndrome. It is wor5h understanding.
    And spring only help.

    1. Yes, I have read about PAWS, so I guess what I'm feeling is par for the course. But more importantly, spring will definitely help out! Thanks Anne.

  2. Yes to what Anne said. PAWS is real.
    It really took me at least a year to two years to really feel my body was healing.
    This winter has been really hard!

    1. A long process, but one which is worth the effort. So. California is not as bad as other places in the US, but I can't wait for the sunnier days to kick in!

  3. I remember having that Blah feeling right around where you are now. It will pass eventually. Hang in there!

  4. Cut yourself some slack Lia, your whole body is recalibrating to this new sober thing and it takes time. PAWS is a very real thing and if you feel weird, tired, weepy, exhausted, hungover, headachy, depressed, lonely etc THINK PAWS and do whatever helps, go to bed, eat a cookie, cry, rage into a pillow, call a friend, come on here and post an uninspiring miserable complaining post even if you this it alienates people - it doesn't. Everyone on here who has made 100+ days has been through all of this and come out the other side. So can you!
    Be strong and just keep going one day, hour, minute, second at a time.

    1. Thanks GG, I so needed to hear this right now, as it seems so hard, every second seems like forever. I'm going to write on my blog this minute, as I feel like I'm going to give in any minute.
