Thursday, January 4, 2018

Little by Little

I read the blog, The Simple Dollar, regularly.  It was originally started by Trent Hamm on his journey to becoming financially fit.  He became very successful with a following and eventually sold his site to a larger group to maintain.  He still writes for the blog.  I continue to enjoy his post, even though the site itself isn’t as personable, but I digress.  Trent writes primarily on matters of money, but he’s grown to incorporate a number of other facets of life into his blog which ultimately tie into his philosophy on frugality. Today, he wrote something at the end of his blog which made sense, to me, in terms of what I’m feeling about “my process” to get sober:

The key thing to always remember with a process like this is that it takes time. People always want immediate results that appear like magic. Improving yourself takes time, and then it takes even more time for the effects of that improvement to propagate out into your life. The key thing with this is to remember that you are getting better, little by little. If you strive to be a little better than the day before, you’re always heading in the right direction, and given enough time, that change will ripple out into the world.

This really is a simple yet brilliant system for genuine self-improvement. It can help you change your character as a whole or help you bring about true lasting improvement in specific areas of your life. The key is to trust the process – keep doing this over a long period of time and you’ll find yourself in a better place.
Another sign I'm going in the right direction.  J


  1. Yes! It really does take time!

  2. Oh wow, yes so true. Patience is an area people struggle with. I think im going to stop drinking and lose weight immediately. Not so. Wise words and encouragement that we need to be patient and continue on the right patg. Thanks for sharing.

    1. I'm trying to read meaning into a lot of good things outside of the alcohol issue, because really, a great life takes work, effort and sacrifice to get there. Stay strong PDTG!

  3. I really liked this post. So true and fitting for me to read right now. Day 3 here. When I quit in 2016 it was new and different. Quitting again is like getting back in the slog. I know I won't lose weight right away, nor will cravings subside...I just need to tackle it. Thanks!

  4. I felt the same way when I read it, so perfect for what I'm going through now. Hang in there HD, we can do it this time!
