Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Wednesday - Hump Day

It's Wednesday afternoon, and I'm about ready to leave work (I know, posting while working, but I consider this my well needed break.) at 4pm.  It's been a couple years now, that I have a work out buddy for Wednesday nights.  He's in his mid-thirties, and keeps me informed with the latest technologies.  My husband, who is 61, thinks he's the best.  Oh, and he's gay, so no worries there!
Anyway, Wednesday are days I rarely, if ever, think about having a drink.  It proves to me changing habits can be done.  Now, I have to figure out what to do with the other six days of the week so I don't drink.  I know it can be accomplished.  Reading all those marvelous blogs from people who are no longer drinking and loving it, proves it.

That's what I want too.


  1. Yes you can. It is very hard for the first few months. It is a habit and changing it is tough.
    Underneath comes out then. That is actually really fun and challenging to deal with.
    M xx

    1. Giving Up, I wish you were around, you were there from the beginning helping me stay focused. I hope all is well with you and your family. You really did great your first year blogging. xo, ll
