Monday, June 26, 2017


Three weekends down, 21 full days alcohol free.  It's summer here and 4th of July is around the corner.  A time to drink for so many.  I'm sort of sad, as there are many BBQs, picnics and firework shows where everyone will be having some sort of adult beverage of the alcohol kind.  I have to remember why I'm not drinking, it was doing me no good.

Here's to my fourth weekend!  May it be a good one.


  1. Congratulations on 21 days x
    I get confused as to when it is harder to give up... over winter (which we are in now, no wine by the fire) but summer... also hard.

    Fuck it! let's face it, it is hard doesn't matter when or what season - which just proves how deep the problem really is right?

    Go you
    Michelle xx

    1. Thanks for keeping on eye on me, it helps so much. xoxo, LL

  2. "Fuck It" is right! It's hard to start regardless of the time of year, so just starting is the hard part period.

  3. You can do this.
    Alcohol brought you misery.
    Remember is was a false friend, promising much and delivering nothing.
    You will miss it for awhile, but just let time pass, focus on the good things!

  4. Thank you Wendy, great reminders as to why I need to do this!
