Friday, February 9, 2018


Friday evening, early, not evening 6:30 p.m., and I'm ready to go lay down, read a little and call it a night.  I don't have strong urges to drink tonight, but on my drive home I thought a lot about drinking.  I tell myself, it's a work in process, once I get there (there is where I don't think about drinking at all) it will be worth it, but it's hard. 

I know from all those who have shared, it's worth it. 

Knowing, believing, trusting, having faith...don't give 40 down.

Good night.


  1. Congratulations on 40 days!!! Way to go!

    I’m not a bit religious but the number forty still seems to hold more weight for me than thirty not just because it’s ten days more but because it’s a biblical number: the fasting and tempting, the days between resurrection and ascension, the days Moses was on the mountain and of course the Noah story. So you’ve reached a nice milestone and should be sure to do something nice for yourself to honor it! :)

    1. I am not religious either, however, being raised catholic, all the above reference make perfect sense to me as well. Last July, when I hit forty days, I found an article,
      by Rebecca Grainer:

      06/29/2016 12:02 pm ET | Updated Jun 30, 2017

      40 Days To Change Your Life

      It gave other points on the significance of 40 days, however, it isn't a magic number by itself. Still takes work to change, because at day 69 days I gave in. My next goal is 70 days. I have to do it! I will, I will, I will.... :-)
