Sunday, February 25, 2018

What Can I Say...

Thank you ladies, for commenting with your support to keep strong, keep going, and don't give up!  This time around, it means more to me than ever to have the input. 

Freedom February hasn't been as easy as Dry January.  From all I've read, it's makes sense why, novelty is gone, my mind says since I've gone so long without, I don't have a problem, etc.  I can't let those thoughts get in my way.  I want to be free from alcohol, once and for all.  I want a better me.  I need to do the hard work now, for that better me to come about, and I'm doing all I can to see this through. 

Even if I scream, cry, shout and yell along the way, I say, "YES" I can do this!!! 


  1. You are doing a great job! I have faith you can power through this rough patch...and “power through” means “treat yourself with all gentleness and kindness including a bowl of ice cream the size of your head every night if that’s what it takes.”


    1. Thanks Sam for having faith in me, and for the sound advice. Day 56, while I don't want my days to past by in a blur, I can't wait to get to 100 days. xo, ll

  2. Sam KD said it well.
    I was really able to become sober when I first faced myself with brutal honesty about my drinking, but at the same time started treating myself with kindness!
    We are so much stronger than we think!

  3. You CAN do it and I'm so glad you are here!
